شعيب |
شعيب أرسل شعيب إلى قوم مدين وكانوا يعبدون الأيكة وكانوا ينقصون المكيال والميزان ولا يعطون الناس حقهم فدعاهم إلى عبادة الله وأن يتعاملوا بالعدل ولكنهم أبوا واستكبروا واستمروا في عنادهم وتوعدوه بالرجم والطرد وطالبوه بأن ينزل عليهم كسفا من السماء فجاءت الصيحة وقضت عليهم جميعا. Jethro [Shu`aib] : Jethro was sent to the people of Madyan, who used to worship the Wood, usurp other's property and never adhere to due measures and weights. He invited them to adore Allah, give others their rights and deal with justice and equity. However, they not only threatened to banish and stone him, but were stubborn and demanded that he causes the sky to fall upon them in pieces. Thus, they were destroyed by the Mighty Blast. |