يحيى ابن نبي الله زكريا، ولد استجابة لدعاء زكريا لله أن يرزقه الذرية الصالحة فجعل آية مولده أن لا يكلم الناس ثلاث ليال سويا، وقد كان يحيى نبيا وحصورا ومن الصالحين ، كما كان بارا تقيا ورعا منذ صباه.
Yahya [John the Baptist] : Yahya, the son of Zechariah, was born in fulfillment of his father's supplication that Allah might grant him a righteous child. The sign of his birth was that his father would not speak to anyone for three days, though he was not dumb. Yahya was a devout prophet who was given wisdom at a young age
Yahya [John the Baptist] : Yahya, the son of Zechariah, was born in fulfillment of his father's supplication that Allah might grant him a righteous child. The sign of his birth was that his father would not speak to anyone for three days, though he was not dumb. Yahya was a devout prophet who was given wisdom at a young age