صالح |
صالح أرسله الله إلى قوم ثمود وكانوا قوما جاحدين آتاهم الله رزقا كثيرا ولكنهم عصوا ربهم وعبدوا الأصنام وتفاخروا بينهم بقوتهم فبعث الله إليهم صالحا مبشرا ومنذرا ولكنهم كذبوه وعصوه وطالبوه بأن يأتي بآية ليصدقوه فأتاهم بالناقة وأمرهم أن لا يؤذوها ولكنهم أصروا على كبرهم فعقروا الناقة وعاقبهم الله بالصاعقة فصعقوا جزاء لفعلتهم ونجى الله صالحا والمؤمنين. Salih : Salih was Allah's prophet to the people of Thamud, who were endowed with abundant riches. Not only were they ungrateful for these blessings but they neglected the Lord, worshiped idols and boasted of their might. Allah sent Salih to warn them, but they asked for a miracle to support his allegations. Allah granted Salih a miraculous She-camel, and he warned his people against hurting it. Nevertheless, they persisted in their blasphemy and slaughtered the She-camel. They were destroyed by the Mighty Blast, but Salih and his followers were saved. |